Hello I am not really new to NG but I never really interacted ig is a way to say it, I am Jules Beauséjour or Jules Levine if you perfer that, I am 17 years old (about to be 18 on November 20), I am a artest I've been drawing for I think 8 years my art style is boring but I am trying my best, I do NSFW artwork as well (Bc I fucking can XD) and I actualy do Commisions for free to anyone as long as people can respect of the time I take and when I am taking breaks, I am curently learning how to make music,I am currently blind from my left eye I got hurt in a accident in a bathroom, and well like in every socials I have (Tiktok,YT and Twitter) I am also Dumb :D
But that's enough about me I'm pretty sure I've board everyone who was reading this I just hope I can grow here on NG along side with my socials
Oh and just a random fact....I'm Lesbian lol XD